


It’s narrated in 方寸论 the enlightenment bestowed upon Farong of Ox-head Mountain by Master Daoxin, a highly-esteemed monk in Sui and Tang Dynasties and the 4th Buddhist Patriarch. A paragraph goes, “Buddha said, there is no objective truth about beauty or nonbeauty, but only one’s subjective judgement on all beings. If the Mind never judges, it will never be misguided by vanity; Were there no vanity, the Mind’s understanding of truth would be free of prejudice. The moral of the teaching is: “What is the Consciousness of Mind? Sentiments and Narratives. The flow of mind breeds self, however a trivial self; the ultimate True-Self is as enormous as the universe, as free as freedom can be. The work contextualizes the idea presented in ⽅寸论, integrating visual and audio mediums to revive its profound message –One’s mind is agitated when yielding to temptation; conversely, at peace when free from it. It further provokes the viewers to ponder over this fundamental issue: when stepping upon the boundary between temptations from fame and precepts for life, how should one distinguish the trivial self from the True-Self upon the Consciousness of Mind and correct his behaviors accordingly?

Note: a "program-controlled heartbeat simulator" is installed in the heart. It works by sensing the surroundings and movements of human body through radar sensors, sending signals to a computer that is programmed to mimic the rhythm of the human heart and output them to an actuator (a push-pull magnet mimics the heartbeat). Hardware support: completed by 3D drawing and 3D printing. The total operating current is 300 mA. Radar detects when a person approaches within two meters and the heart starts beating. Two seconds after the person leaves, the heartbeat automatically stops.